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Invisalign – Long Island City, NY

Straighten Teeth Seamlessly & Confidently

Choosing to straighten your teeth is a big decision that affects not only your appearance, but your lifestyle as well. As an adult, you may be looking to improve your smile for business reasons, social reasons, or even for a special occasion like your wedding day. Or perhaps you're a teen or the parent of a teen looking for an effective yet modern-day orthodontic solution that doesn’t require a mouthful of metal. Either way, Invisalign and Invisalign Teen can provide a simple way to accomplish this without having to put your life on hold. Take a moment to learn more about the entire treatment process with Invisalign in Long Island City and how it can help you below.

Why Choose LIC Dental Associates for Invisalign?

  • Certified Invisalign Provider
  • No Brackets, Wires Or “Metal Mouth”
  • Invisalign Teen Available Upon Request For Younger Patients

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

Teeth with traditional braces and teeth with Invisalign

While the results may appear the same—a confident, beautiful smile—when you stop and actually compare Invisalign® to other teeth-straightening options, the advantages become quite apparent. Knowing the pros and cons of each option ahead of time will help you make a more confident decision.

How does Invisalign work?

Patient placing Invisalign tray

Once we’ve determined that you’re a good candidate for Invisalign, Dr. Saran or another member of our team will take a detailed scan of your teeth using their 3M Digital Scanner so that we can have a series of clear, custom-made aligners created. Each of these aligners represents a different stage of your smile as it slowly shifts into a much more ideal position; all you have to do is wear them for the instructed amount of time before switching to the next in the set. Also, we ask that you attend regular, brief check-ups at our Long Island City dental office so that we can ensure you’re progressing smoothly through the treatment process.

Invisalign treatment offers patients several valuable benefits over metal braces. There are no uncomfortable wires or brackets to worry about – only smooth, clear plastic that’s been crafted to match your unique needs. Because of their removable nature, you won’t need to make any changes to your diet or oral hygiene routine at home. Best of all, we can usually complete your treatment in 6 -18 months, which is a significant improvement over the multiple years traditional orthodontics can often require.

Take Our Invisalign Smile Assessment

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

Woman smiling while holding Invisalign aligner

If you’ve been trying to find out how much Invisalign costs online, then you may have hit a few roadblocks. Simply put, there isn’t a flat fee for clear aligner treatment – each one is 100% tailored to the patient’s needs! Don’t worry though; our team does everything we can to make understanding the cost of Invisalign easy, starting with dedicating this next section to covering important information about the price.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Dentist placing Invisalign aligner on model of teeth

As we mentioned above, your Invisalign treatment will be completely customized to your specific dental needs, including the severity of your misalignment and if you need to straighten one or both arches of teeth. We can answer any questions you have about the cost of your care at your consultation. However, we also need to mention that how well you follow the treatment guidelines will also impact the price you pay. For example, if you fall off-track with your plan because you consistently didn’t wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day, then we may need to order new aligners, which adds to your investment.

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Dentist holding Invisalign aligner with black glove

In short, mail-order clear aligner companies, like Smile Direct Club™, cost less. Before you let that sway your decision, it’s important to do your research. For example, mail-order alternatives don’t conduct a thorough exam upfront to make sure you’re a good candidate, which is one of the many reasons so many patients have experienced worsened misalignment. If you want to straighten your teeth without jeopardizing the look, health, and function of your smile, then you should choose professional treatments, like Invisalign.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Smiling dental assistant handing patient forms

Some dental insurance providers do cover some of the cost! So, if you have dental insurance, don’t hesitate to double-check the fine print on your plan. Since our team welcomes Cigna PPO, Aetna PPO, Guardian PPO, and several others, we also have extensive experience helping our patients maximize their coverage. Therefore, you can also bring any questions you have to us – we’re here to help!

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Smiling woman giving thumbs up while holding Invisalign aligner

Now you may be wondering, “What if I don’t have dental insurance?” Good news: you can save with our LIC Dental Associates Perks Program. You won’t have to worry about any annoying red tape either (i.e., waiting periods, annual maximums, yearly deductibles). Just join and save! Otherwise, you can opt for flexible financing through CareCredit and Lending Club. These third-party financiers offer payment plans so you don’t have to pay for the entire cost of Invisalign upfront.

If you want to learn more about our affordable financial solutions or you’re ready to schedule a consultation, get in touch with our team!

Living with Invisalign Aligners

Woman smiling while holding Invisalign aligner

Although you may already know a lot about clear aligners – from the average treatment timeline to how the teeth-straightening process works – you might not know exactly what life with Invisalign looks like. To help, we’ve dedicated this next section to reviewing a few important things you need to know in order to stay on-track with your treatment plan. Of course, if you want to learn more, you can always give us a call too!

Wearing Your Trays

Closeup of smiling woman wearing Invisalign aligners

Patients are often drawn to clear aligners because they are removable, meaning there aren’t any dietary restrictions or cumbersome oral hygiene regimens to worry about. It’s important to remember, however, that you need to wear your trays for the majority of the day in order for them to work. That’s why patients are given the “20-22 hour-a-day” rule. The easiest way to meet your wear time each day is by only taking them out when absolutely necessary, like during mealtimes.

Cleaning Your Aligners

Patient holding up Invisalign clear aligner

First, let’s talk about what you shouldn’t do. You shouldn’t use hot water or harsh chemicals, like bleach, to clean your trays. Instead, you should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and some clean, lukewarm water to gently scrub each surface after breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks. If your aligners begin to take on a yellow hue, then you can also use the cleaning crystals that came in your welcome kit to give them a deeper clean.

Eating & Drinking

Smiling woman eating burger at restaurant

With traditional braces, patients need to cut out whole apples, raw carrots, and other crunchy foods from their diet. Since there aren’t any metal brackets or wires, you can enjoy all of your favorite foods with Invisalign (as long as you remove your aligners first, of course). All of that said, do your best not to over-indulge on sugary and starchy foods that can negatively impact your oral health. Fill your plate with lots of nutrient-dense ones instead!

Losing or Damaging a Tray

Woman smiling while looking at phone on couch

If you can’t find your aligners, then carefully retrace your steps. Make sure to look in odd places, like the center console in your car or between the couch cushions – just to make sure you truly looked everywhere. If you can’t find them, give us a call.

If your aligners are damaged, even if it’s just a small crack, you should also get in touch with our Long Island dental team. Do NOT use a household adhesive, like superglue, as a band-aid solution.

Routine Check-Ins

Woman smiling while sitting in dentist's treatment chair

Throughout your teeth-straightening journey, you’ll come into our office for check-in visits. These appointments are important for several reasons. To begin, they allow us to take detailed scans of your teeth and monitor how you’re progressing against your treatment plan. We’ll give you your next set of aligners at this time too!

Benefits of Invisalign

Woman smiling while working on laptop at home

To date, more than 12 million patients have chosen to straighten their teeth with Invisalign. Why? Well, there are several noteworthy benefits that clear aligner treatment offers! Here are a few examples:

Comfortable Aligners

Closeup of woman putting on clear aligner

Not only are clear aligners metal-free, but they are also custom-made to fit the unique contours of your mouth. As a result, you may go throughout your entire teeth-straightening journey without any mouth sores, soft-tissue injuries, and the like. Of course, if one of your trays is a bit sharp, you can always use some dental wax to protect your tongue, lips, and gums too.

See-Through Trays

Patient holding up clear aligner

Without a doubt, one of the biggest draws of Invisalign is that the aligners are see-through, making them “invisible” when worn. To prevent any unwanted attention from being drawn to your smile, be sure to take good care of your trays. Habits like rinsing them with clean, cool water when you take them out and using a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean them again before putting them back on will go a long way in preventing yellow stains from surfacing.

Hassle-Free Oral Hygiene

Woman smiling while brushing her teeth in bathroom

With traditional braces, patients need interproximal toothbrushes, pre-threaded floss, and other special oral hygiene products to keep their teeth, gums, brackets, and wires clean. The same cannot be said for patients with Invisalign! Since the aligners are removable, all you need to do is take them off and place them somewhere safe while you complete your dental care regimen as usual.

Quick Follow-Up Appointments

Dentist showing patient image on tablet

Not only are there fewer check-in visits with Invisalign, but the appointments are usually pretty short as well. When you come in, we will ask you a few questions about how your orthodontic treatment has been going and take new scans of your teeth. That way, we can see how your teeth are moving. If they are right on-track with your treatment plan, then we will send you on your way with your next couple of aligners. If they aren’t, then we will need to find a solution, like having you wear your current trays a tad longer.

Boosted Confidence

Closeup of woman in grey shirt smiling outside

It’s common for patients with metal brackets and wires to feel like they can’t smile confidently until the very end of their orthodontic treatment. That’s not the case with Invisalign because the aligners are completely clear! As a result, even those closest to you will have a hard time telling when you’re wearing your trays.

No Dietary Restrictions

Woman smiling while making appetizer at home

Whole apples, popcorn, raw nuts, and thin pizza crust are just a few of the many foods that patients need to steer clear of with traditional braces. However, there aren’t any dietary restrictions with Invisalign because the trays are completely removable! All we ask is that you continue to keep starchy and sugary foods to a minimum to help prevent oral health problems from developing, like gum disease.

Invisalign® Frequently Asked Questions

Man holding clear aligner

At LIC Dental Associates, we use Invisalign to give our patients an alternative to noticeable and uncomfortable braces. If you’ve been considering these clear aligners, you may have questions about the process and what your day-to-day may look like. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Invisalign. Read on to satisfy your curiosity so you can feel confident in your treatment.

Can You Eat with Invisalign?

One of the biggest benefits that patients enjoy with Invisalign is that they’re completely removeable! That means you can eat and drink whatever you want, as long as you’re not wearing your aligners. Water is the only beverage you should drink when wearing your aligners. Other drinks can stain the clear plastic, and hot liquids can warp your trays. Just be sure to clean your teeth and rinse out your aligners before placing them back into your mouth after eating. Food debris can stain the clear plastic, and trapped plaque can increase your risk of tooth decay.

What Happens if You Lose an Aligner?

Although you should do all you can to care for your aligners, it’s fairly common for patients to lose or break them. If this occurs, call our dental office right away. We will give you a replacement as soon as possible. Until then, wear the most recent aligner in the series. The sooner you can resume the process, the better your chances are of staying on track with your treatment time.

How Will Invisalign Affect Your Life?

One of the best parts of Invisalign treatment is that you can straighten your teeth both discreetly and comfortably. There is a slight adjustment period when you first start, but this is relatively short and there is no pain. Plus, the aligning trays are made of clear plastic, allowing you to easily wear them in your personal and professional lives. Just remember to bring your Invisalign when you’re traveling!

When Do You Visit Our Dental Office for Checkups?

Unlike traditional braces that require tightening every few weeks, leading to many orthodontic visits, Invisalign only requires appointments every 6 to 8 weeks. During these visits, we will carefully check your smile and ensure that your treatment is going smoothly and on schedule. You won’t have to come see us each time you move onto the next aligners in the series.

How Do I Clean My Aligners?

Keeping your aligning trays clean is an important part of a successful Invisalign treatment. You can clean your Invisalign by using clear hand soap, a nonabrasive toothbrush, and room temperature water. Be sure to avoid using hot water because it can warp the plastic. When you’re cleaning your aligners, it’s a good idea to lay down a towel or cloth on the sink and ground. That way, if you happen to drop them, you’ll have cushion ready to break the fall.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

No orthodontic treatment is completely pain-free, but Invisalign in Long Island City is more comfortable than metal braces because no brackets or wires will irritate the inside of your lips or cheeks. You can expect your mouth to be tender for a few days after receiving Invisalign. Your aligners will apply gentle pressure to your teeth to move them from their current positions, which can cause some temporary discomfort. Tenderness may also occur when changing to the next set of aligners, but it will occur less often as you progress through your treatment. An over-the-counter pain reliever is all you'll need to stay comfortable. Eat soft foods that require minimal chewing until your tenderness improves.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

The average treatment with Invisalign takes 12 months, but many factors will affect your timeline, like your age. Teens are still growing and developing, so their teeth tend to move quicker than adults. The complexity of your bite and alignment problems will influence the number of aligners required. You can ensure there aren't any delays in your journey to a straight smile by wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours per day. Switch your aligners on time to keep your treatment on track.

Is Invisalign Expensive?

Believe it or not, metal braces and Invisalign may cost about the same, depending on your situation. Many dental insurance plans now cover Invisalign. If your policy includes orthodontic services, your insurance may pay a set amount for your aligners after meeting your deductible. In addition, our office accepts various payment methods to keep a straight smile affordable, like CareCredit. You can make monthly installments for any out-of-pocket expenses to ensure Invisalign fits your budget. Based on your credit approval, you can benefit from little or no interest in financing.

Can I Get Invisalign On Only the Top?

Although singlearch treatment is possible, your cosmetic dentist in Long Island City will most likely advise against it. This can lead to dental damage, jaw pain, and many other complications. Treating both the top and bottom arches ensures the best results.

What Happens When I’m Done with Invisalign?

Once you finish your aligners, your orthodontic journey isn't over just yet. You'll require retainers to preserve your results. It will take time for your soft tissues and bone to heal around your teeth's new positions. Initially, you'll be instructed to wear your retainers all the time. As your mouth heals, you'll be required to wear it less and less. Don't worry, retainers are discreet, just like Invisalign.