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Long Island City Dental Associates Blog

6 Medical Conditions Your Dentist May Discover

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 5:19 am
person at dental checkup speaking to dentist

During your regular dental checkups, your dentist and hygienist conduct vital teeth cleaning and perform a thorough examination to maintain your oral health. While many assume dentists solely concentrate on oral health, it’s essential to recognize that 90% of systemic health conditions manifest symptoms in the oral cavity. As a result, your dentist may detect medical conditions that impact different areas of your body. Let’s delve into six health conditions that dentists could identify during routine appointments.


The Do’s and Don’ts of Invisalign

January 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 5:13 am
person holding Invisalign tray

Are you currently using Invisalign to straighten your teeth and enhance your smile’s appearance? Using clear aligners, Invisalign gently adjusts teeth, offering convenience over traditional braces. However, maintaining the Invisalign of your treatment requires attentive care of your aligner trays. If you’re unsure about proper maintenance for your Invisalign, keep reading for do’s and don’ts to help preserve your aligner trays.


Is Holiday Stress Damaging Your Smile?

December 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 1:20 am

Stressed woman sitting by laptopThe holidays are a stressful time of the year. If you’re getting less sleep or rushing around trying to find the perfect gifts, stress levels can be at an all-time high. Chronic stress can affect your overall wellness and increase your risk of various health problems. Did you know that stress can also affect your dental health? Although it is only a few weeks out of the year, stress can cause irreversible damage to your smile. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to find time to relax to combat stress.


Feel Free to Smile: 4 Ways it Benefits Your Health

November 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 7:22 pm
Woman with brown curly hair at a juice bar smiling with a health green drink

Now that you’ve finally perfected your teeth with cosmetic dentistry, you’re probably excited to show off your new, beautiful smile. Now that flaws in your teeth won’t hold you back, you can let go of the fear of judgment that you’ve carried with you for so long.

Did you know that a happy grin does much more than boost your confidence, though? It also has a physical impact on your body that benefits you in several ways. Keep reading to learn 4 reasons that smiling is good for your health!


Turkey Day Tints: Thanksgiving Foods That Stain Your Pearly Whites

November 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 9:38 pm
A family enjoying Thanksgiving and smiling with good oral health

It’s no surprise that your oral health can suffer during the holidays. Between sugary sweets and acidic treats, your teeth go through the ringer every year. If you’re trying to preserve some semblance of white teeth this year, you may want to avoid some things if you can.

Continue reading to find out the biggest staining offenders at your Thanksgiving table.


Want to Read Something Really Scary? Here Are Some Frightening Dental Statistics

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 11:20 pm

It’s the Halloween season, and you’ll undoubtedly want something to scream over. Since you’ve certainly been binging on movies about zombies, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and alien parasites for the past few weekends, you might be in the mood for some real-world terror. Here are some horrifying dental statistics to scare you into better oral hygiene. Just make sure that you don’t start biting your nails; that’s really bad for your dental health.


4 Intriguing Gum Disease Facts

September 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 9:42 am
A closeup shot of a man with gum disease

Since it’s Fall, you may be thinking of sweet treats. That’s only natural – Halloween is only a month away! Still, you’d be wise to focus on your oral health for now. The truth is that September is National Gum Care Month! As such, it’s the ideal time to learn about your gums and how they keep your mouth safe. Luckily, your Long Island dentist is here to help out. To that end, here are four little-known gum disease facts you should know.


How to Fix a Gap Between Your Two Front Teeth

September 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 6:53 am
A mouth with a gap between front teeth

Having a large tooth gap is never a good thing. After all, it alters your smile’s alignment and symmetry. That said, a gap between your front teeth is even worse. This kind is especially obvious and worsens your grin’s looks. Fortunately, you can always rely on a cosmetic dentist to treat the issue. Your Long Island practice will even explain why that’s the case. To that end, here’s a primer on diastemas, their causes, and how cosmetic dentistry can fix them.


Help Kids Succeed at School with Good Oral Health

August 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 11:38 am
A smiling group of kids running through a school corridor

If you’re a parent, you’ve likely started prepping your kids for the coming school year! This task might range from buying supplies to offering guidance on homework. Still, you could do one unique thing to help with future classes: plan a back-to-school dental checkup. School success and good oral health happen to be positively related. As for why that’s the case, the matter is fairly simple. Learn the truth in this summary from your Long Island City dentist.


4 Common Oral Issues That Dentists Can Prevent

August 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 10:32 am

Like most, you probably look after your smile at home. You might even be diligent in your daily brushing and flossing habits. Still, your efforts alone won’t keep your mouth clean and healthy. You need a dentist’s help to avoid many common oral health issues. Otherwise, your teeth and gums will suffer and make everyday life difficult. Your Long Island City practice will happily explain if you want to learn more. To that end, here are four common oral health problems and how dentists prevent them.

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