Whether you signed up for dental insurance with your employer, through a family member, or you purchased a plan for yourself, you can look forward to saving money on essential dental services. But do you know how to truly maximize the investment you’re making by paying your monthly premiums? If not, you could be losing the coverage you’re entitled to and not saving nearly as much money as you could be! To help you maximize your dental insurance benefits, just follow these three simple tips from a dentist in Long Island City.
1. Don’t Neglect Your Routine Care
Unless your dentist tells you otherwise, you should be attending two checkups and cleanings each year. These regular visits are critical in preventing small oral health issues from spiraling into full-blown emergencies that require invasive (and expensive!) treatments later on. Not to mention, they keep your smile feeling clean and looking its best! Because preventive care is so important, the majority of dental insurance providers will cover two of these visits per year at no extra cost to you. If you haven’t yet scheduled your second dental checkup of 2021, now would be the time to do so!
2. Know What Your Insurance Covers
While the lion’s share of dental insurance coverage goes toward preventive care, you’ll most likely be able to use some of your benefits for other procedures. For example, if you found out at your last checkup that you need a filling or a dental crown to treat a cavity, your insurance will probably pick up some of the tab. Most insurance providers will cover somewhere between 50% and 80% of the costs of restorative dental treatments like these, but check the details of your specific plan just to be sure. Of course, your dentist’s team can help with this process.
3. Use Your Benefits Before They Expire
Dental insurance plans typically operate on a calendar-year basis. You’re given a certain amount of coverage – called an annual maximum – at the beginning of the year that you can put toward your dental care within the next 12 months. However, any benefits still left on your annual maximum when the year ends will NOT continue into the next one. Instead, they’ll expire, and you’ll lose money you could have spent on treatments your smile needs. For this reason, you should schedule any additional dental procedures you need, such as a root canal or filling, before the year draws to a close.
Do you want to start 2022 off on the right foot with a heavier wallet and a healthier smile? Then call your dentist in Long Island City for more tips on how you can maximize your dental insurance benefits!
About the Practice
At LIC Dental Associates of Long Island City, we have a team of experienced dental specialists who can provide virtually all of the dental services you need under one roof. Our friendly team members work with almost all dental insurance plans and would love to help you navigate and maximize your benefits. To start saving on your dental care, you can contact us via our website or at (718) 530-6539.