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Puttin’ on The Ritz: Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Summer Glam  

June 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsaran @ 9:06 pm
Woman smiling mid-twirl in fun cocktail dress on pink background

Maye you’re planning a classic beach vacation with plenty of photoshoots, or maybe a few glitzy evenings are more your style. Either way, you want to put on the ritz this summer. Why not compliment your look with an equally glamorous smile? Cosmetic dentistry offers several teeth-enhancing solutions, any of which could give you just the vibe you’re looking for.

Star-Struck Porcelain Veneers

They sound fancy, and they pretty much are fancy! In fact, many red-carpet stars wear porcelain veneers, including Emma Stone and Tom Cruise. But what makes them so sought-after?

These porcelain shells are custom-made to cover a wide range of dental flaws. Yellowy stains, unsightly cracks, and even uneven shapes will be hidden once the veneers are adhered to the front face of your pearly whites. You could achieve multiple smile goals at once, all without majorly altering your teeth!

Al-Naturale Solutions

Metal crowns, fillings, and braces just aren’t the look these days. To avoid garish silver streaks in your dental line up, ask instead for tooth-colored or clear alternatives. Thanks to modern technology, ceramic crown and filling materials are just durable, if not more, than their metallic counterparts. And of course, you’ve probably heard of Invisalign. It’s true what they say – your crooked teeth can be effectively corrected with these low-profile, removable trays.

Elegantly Simple Teeth Whitening

Nothing says “charm” like a bright, sparkly smile. A teeth whitening treatment might seem ordinary in comparison to some of the other dental cosmetic options, however, the results are anything but! Planning a night on the town? Hop in the patient chair at your dentist’s office. Stunning teeth can be achieved in a single session. Need more flexibility for that trip to the beach? Beautify your smile with a take-home whitening kit instead. Either way, you’ll notice a stark difference in mere hours.

Gum Recontouring Artistry

If you want to see less pink around your laugh lines, you might not need as much makeup magic as you think. Having “too much gumline” might seem like a strange cosmetic problem, and yet it’s not uncommon. Misshapen, overextended gums can make your teeth appear shorter or uneven in places. Using a gentle, high-tech laser, your dentist can sculpt your gum zigzag into a true gumline!

With so many enchanting options for puttin’ more ritz into your smile, it can be hard to choose the perfect cosmetic dentistry treatment. Consider your dentist your go-to stylist! They’ll combine your summer glamor goals with their oral know-how and artistic touch. After plotting your treatment plan, you’ll be on your way towards a positively pearly first impression.

About the Practice

At LIC Dental Associates, we have several cosmetic dentistry specialists who love seeing patients light-up at their treatment results. Achieving your dream smile is a truly special feeling that can’t be replaced. That’s why we go out of our way to provide exceptional care at every point in the process. From a spa-like experience to personalized treatments, we’ll make you feel like a star as soon as you walk through our doors! To get in touch, contact our office at 718-530-6539.

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