With the internet being only one click away, it’s easier than ever to find information on anything you can think of these days. From home improvement hacks to makeup recommendations to oral hygiene tips, we now have access to a wealth of information. Unfortunately, some popular dental trends you may come across can have detrimental effects on your smile – and you may not realize it until it’s too late. That said, here are five popular trends that can do more harm than good for your teeth.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Fans of apple cider vinegar claim that it offers multiple health benefits when you drink it straight, gargle it, or dilute it with water. They say it can calm an upset stomach, cure hiccups, soothe a sore throat, lower cholesterol, help you lose weight, and boost your energy. While those advantages are certainly tempting, it’s important to remember that prolonged contact with the acidic substance can increase your risk of cavities and erode your enamel over time.
Lemon Juice Detox
The “Master Cleanse” is considered the most popular lemon juice detox. Essentially, it claims to cleanse the body of toxins and help you lose 20 pounds in ten days. Since lemon juice is an extremely strong acid, this trend is no good for your teeth. Also, this particular detox calls for a liquid-only diet for ten days. If you stop chewing, the production of saliva decreases, putting you at higher risk of cavities, gum disease, and enamel erosion.
Sparkling Water
Sparkling water is a great alternative to soda. However, the acidity can still damage your teeth. It can weaken your enamel, making you more susceptible to issues like cavities. If you must indulge in this fizzy drink, be sure to pair it with a meal so your saliva can counteract the acid it contains.
Records show that people have been drinking kombucha, also known as fermented tea, for well over 2,000 years now! They claim that it can improve digestion, stimulate the immune system, prevent cancer and arthritis, and even contribute to weight loss. However, two main concerns with kombucha are its acidity and sugar content. These factors can damage your enamel, weaken it, and make your teeth vulnerable to cavities.
Activated Charcoal
Many oral hygiene products found in stores contain activated charcoal. Even though it promises to absorb toxins and eliminate stains, recent studies found that there’s insufficient evidence to deem these products safe to use on teeth. In fact, the abrasive material can damage your enamel and wreak havoc on your oral health.
Before hopping on the next popular trend, take a second to think about how it can affect your smile. It’s a good idea to consult with your dentist before adding something new to your oral hygiene routine!
About the Practice
At LIC Dental Associates, we value our patients and go the extra mile to deliver unparalleled dental care. Our team enjoys educating patients to help them make confident and informed decisions for their oral health. If you have any questions about a popular trend you found online, don’t hesitate to ask. You can speak to a member of our team via our website or call (718) 530-6539.